26th European Congress of Psychiatry 2018

access_time N / D
location_on Internacional

Descrição do Evento

The 26th Congress of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA 2018) will take place 3-6 March 2018 in the city of Nice, the dynamic, cosmopolitan, unofficial capital of the Côte d’Azur. EPA’s psychiatry congress will bring together expert clinical psychiatrists, researchers and leaders of stakeholder organizations in the field of mental health.

The theme will be Mental Health: Integrate, Innovate, Individualise. A special focus of EPA 2018 will be the integration of new technologies and research finding into person-centred approaches to prevention, care and training, at a time in which difficult challenges, such as displacement, war, terrorism and economic constraints, require new answers.


  • Data: de 03 a 06 de março de 2018
    Este evento já aconteceu. Que pena!
    Você pode descobrir mais informações sobre as próximas edições enviando uma mensagem para o organizador.
  • Local: Internacional
  • Responsável: European Psychiatric Association
  • Site: Clique aqui para acessar

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